Thematic Units


Space: Exploring the Universe through Science and Literature

space-greenroom-featuredOur school year begins Aug. 26th with Back to School Week followed by our Sept. Theme. During the month of September students will be transformed into space explorers. They will experience its many wonders and be introduced to the great mind of Galileo Galilei. Students will also have the opportunity to read illustrated versions of some of the world’s greatest science fiction novels written by H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this month will be the Planetarium that students will construct in the Red Room. Once built, students will have the ability to gaze at the planets, the stars and distant galaxies.


When You’re Strange: Bizarre Nature, Offending the Senses and the Brothers Grimm

FireFliesDuring the month of October students will be exploring the bizarre and strange. They will be introduced to such concepts as bioluminescence and decomposition and will have the opportunity to use their senses while experiencing a variety of unusual smells, sounds, tastes and tactile sensations.  The month wouldn’t be complete without a “strange” literary influence. The Brothers Grimm will take center stage with stories such as, “Rumplestilskin” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Rapunzel,” and Hansel and Gretel.”


A Culinary Tour of the World

littlechefsDuring the month of November students will be immersed in the world of International Cuisine! Students will be given the opportunity to learn about and create dishes from India,Thailand,Greece and Brazil. In addition to cooking, students will be introduced to the customs and culture indicative of the region being studied and will learn how to read and write menus and recipes! Art will be inspired by the spices, fruits and vegetables that students will be cooking with. Each week will end with a feast inspired by the region. Let’s eat!


The Winter Season

snowflakeComing Soon!





The Mesozoic Era:  Paleontology and the Art of David Krentz

DinoscapeDuring the month of January students will be exploring the unbelievable world of dinosaurs! They will start by acquiring knowledge of the dinosaurs that lived during the Mesozoic Era and will end the month as dinosaur scholars and paleontologists! Students will also be introduced to captivating, fictional stories about dinosaurs such as, “Patrick’s Dinosaurs” by Carol Carrick and “The Lost Dinosaur Bone” by Mercer Mayer. Students will even have the opportunity to write their own story about their discovery of dinosaur bones! Throughout the month students’ imaginations will be held captive by the amazing dinosaur sculptures and animation of David Krentz and will be creating their own dinosaur artwork through a variety of mediums.


Culture Shock: Authors, Inventions and Music that Changed the World

light-bulb-with-globeDuring the month of February students will be introduced to a number of authors, inventions and types of music that influenced the culture of the world. Students will learn from authors such as Aesop, Beatrix Potter, J.R.R. Tolkien and Stan Lee and see the world through the eyes of the characters created in their stories. Students will also have the opportunity to celebrate the inventions of the toothbrush, light bulb, telephone and television as well as discuss how the T.V. dinner transformed the “family dinner.” Music will be an important component throughout the month, allowing students to experience the era of Swing and the birth of Rock and Roll as well as the Woodstock and Hip Hop generations.

March (5 Week Unit)

The Investigation and Research of Biomes and Ecosystems of the World

Leaf-cutter-antsDuring the month of March students will be taking an expedition through many of the biomes and ecosystems of the world. Students will learn about the weather, plants and topography, as well as unique characteristics of each biome they visit. Students will also focus on the animals and insects found in each biome by reading field guides and keeping track of their own observations. Biomes explored will include the Arctic Tundra, the African Savanna, the Ocean and the Rainforest. In order to relay the importance of preserving these wondrous spaces, a good amount of the month will be spent on introducing the idea of conservation and recycling. Students will even be given the opportunity to create recycled art and fashion!

* Dr. Seuss week is available as a substitute for a 5th week.


The Evolution of Modern Transportation

ModelAFordDuring the month of April students will be transported back in time to the 19th and 20th centuries. While there they will have the opportunity to learn about modes of transportation in the Wild West and the early 20th century. Trains, planes and automobiles will be the focus our longitudinal study of how theses amazing machines have changed over the years so that students will be able to predict what vehicles may be like in the future! Students will also be reading literature based on famous transportation stories such as the Titanic and the story of Amelia Earhart. The month wouldn’t  be complete without a chance to “work” in one of Henry Ford’s factories and be an aerial photographer.


The Enticing Stories, Wondrous Creatures and the Far Off Lands of Make Believe

jackandthebeanstalkDuring the month of May students will enter the world of make-believe where things are not always what they seem! They will be transported to the magical worlds of NeverLand, Wonderland and Oz and dive into the depths of the ocean to explore the lost city of Atlantis. Students will also have the opportunity to meet fairies, Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Abominable Snowman and decide from the evidence presented whether or not these creatures could exist in our realm of reality. Several stories will be included in our study of make-believe.  Students will take adventures with “Jack and the Beanstalk,” “Sinbad the Sailor,” “The Princess and the Pea,” and “The Snow Queen.”


Life during Medieval Times:  Knights, Castles and Treasured Folklore

Excalibur-king-arthurDuring the month of June students will travel back in time to the days of brave knights, legendary tournaments and magnificent castles. Students will experience life as it was back in Medieval Times. They will eat medieval cuisine, dress in medieval clothing and participate in the work of peasants and noblemen. Students will also be introduced to several literary classics written during medieval times: “Beowulf,” “King Arthur,” “Robin Hood,” and “The Three Musketeers.” The month will end with a Renaissance Faire complete with food, music, and games for all to enjoy!

July and August (10 weeks)

Discovery Camp
